Gardeners often dream about their gardens, since most of their spare time is spent in their natural habitat. Before you can enjoy your dream garden there is probably some work and planning to do. We are giving you some guidance to make this process a little bit easier and hope you will enjoy it!
Most gardeners already have some ideas about their dream garden, and some already spent some hours dreaming about the bulbs they would like to plant coming season. If you are in the process of creating your Dream Summer Garden, we will give you some tips and pointers to make it a little bit easier.
After visualizing your dream garden, you start thinking about your setting. Where do you want to add bulbs, plants or trees. Do you want to plant the bulbs directly in the soil or do you want to play with pots and planters? Get yourself a paper and make a sketch of the space you have. Keep it simple, a simple overview of your garden will do the job.
Now you know which spots in the garden you would like to fill up with some new flowers it is time to look at all the possibilities. There are two options from which you can choose: planting your flower bulbs in the ground or planting your flower bulbs in pots or containers. If you are going to plant bulbs in a bed or border in your garden, keep two things in mind: drainage and sunlight. Mark the spots in your yard that have good drainage and get enough sunlight during the day for the flower bulbs to thrive. If you plant your bulbs in a spot where in is too soggy this will lead to rotting of the bulbs.
When you decide to plant your flower bulbs into pots or containers, you can decide which soil you are going to use. Make sure it doesn't get soggy by using well-draining pots (with a drainage hole in the bottom) and special soil. Pots and containers can be easily moved to spots with enough sunlight, so you are a little bit more flexible when you are planting your bulbs in pots.
Right now you know where you are going to plant your new flower bulbs, so we can start to focus on what type of bulbs and plants you are going to choose. Most of our gardeners are using a mood board to decide which colors and bulbs they are going to plant. Find yourself some magazines and cut out all the pictures that you like and stick them onto a large piece of paper, of course you can also do this online using Pinterest. Are you leaning towards straight forms, or do you prefer organic and flowing forms? It is completely up to you. When you prefer straight forms, it will help to create square beds and planting your bulbs evenly spaced across the beds. If your preference is more organic and natural, than you can create a mix of different bulbs, seeds or plants in different colors to create a natural garden. When you are planting your bulbs in pots and containers, you can mix the different bulbs up in the container as well in different layers. This way you can have beautiful filled pots from spring to fall!